Friday, December 14, 2012


Yesterday afternoon, I watched a documentary on HBO called "Gunfight.:  The basic premise of the film was that america has too many guns and too many crazy people who go on shooting sprees.

The film maker, who was shot during the Virginia Tech shootings, was trying to shed light on a gun law loophole.  The loophole, known as the gun show loop hole, allows private citizens to sell their own guns to other people...WITH NO BACKGROUND CHECK.  So for example, a convicted felon could go buy a baretta pistol without having any background check done.

Another trick people pull is called a "straw buy.  This is where someone with a criminal record pays someone with a clean record, to purchase a gun for them.  Both of these things are putting guns into the hands of criminals, sociopaths,, and wackos.  

I found the documentary so inspiring, I searched for a clip this morning to post on my blog.  I couldn't find any on youtube, so I searched to see if anyone had started a petition to 'close' the gun show loophole.  The only result I found had only 8 signatures, and had been closed.  I thought about starting one at the time.  .  ..

Flash forward to about an hour later, and...what do you know, SOME F-EN WACK JOBBER SHOOTS UP A SCHOOL FULL OF KIDS!!  It makes me Phuckin sick to my stomach.  So I am going to write a letter and call my congressman and tell them to close the loophole.  If you are on Facebook, please join the cause here:

AND also call or write your congress person about this extremely important issue.


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